Journey of a dynamic entrepreneur - Smita Mahajan

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Smita Mahajan - Director Pink Warrior Pvt Ltd.

Let’s know about Ms. Smita Mahajan and their exceptional journey of entrepreneurship starting from “Astitwa”.

Smita : Serial entrepreneur since 7 years and 14 years of IT experience in leading MNCs in India.

After marriage I was left with two choices either flourishing career or my little heart – baby girl, being a mother we have no choice to compromise with wellbeing of our children, and  yes I choose my daughter. This decision inspired me to create a platform for every woman. Where she can start her own business and take care of kids and family together while creating her own identity.

To make this happen, along with three of my friends, started our first venture with the name ‘AstitWa Enterprise’ in 2018 and in 2019 registered it on ROC with the name Pink Warriors Pvt Ltd. During this journey I realised that one of the most crucial requirements for women entrepreneurs is to get support and education about various confusing aisles of entrepreneurship. This kind of customised support is not present with the available traditional solutions in the market, everything is in bits and pieces so I decided to create a team of mentors and bring them in one robust platform of ExtraordiNAARI WEdyalaya.


Recognition in the society -

Smita: For me, Social Entrepreneurship in itself is a rewarding journey. Instead of listing down

materialistic awards, changing people's life and making a never ending impact in their life is the real award that I will cherish for my life and will strive for this award for lifetime.

Establishment with Achievements -

Smita:  Since the day of its establishment, ExtraordiNAARI WEdyalaya is working at the grassroot level to help every woman entrepreneur, identify/validate and transform her idea into a profit making evolving enterprise and be the CEO of her own company.

 Some of our work which we have done so far are:-

1. Taking online WEdyalaya sessions for personal and professional growth

2. Took 3 successful batches of Entrepreneurship Incubation Program, a flagship Incubation program to help aspiring women entrepreneurs at ideation level or at initial stage to create their evolving business model and understand the tricky routes of Entrepreneurship journey

3. We have collaborated with National and International companies to not only provide globally certified programs for our Women Entrepreneurs but also provide them multiple platforms for customer outreach.

4. We have conducted multiple Entrepreneurship Development Programs in collaboration with AIC PINNACLE Entrepreneurship Forum and Ministry of MSME in the rural and suburban cities of Maharashtra.

5. Promote and motivate enrolled women mentors to take various sessions to preserve and promote Indian Traditional values to the farthest corners of the globe.

6. WEdyalaya is working dedicatedly to bring the digital revolution in the women entrepreneurs.

7. Provide strategically designed courses to Students of junior and senior colleges to strengthen the future generation of our Nation.

Further plans for journey ahead.

Smita:  This is a very tempting question, being in the zone to envision the future and identify the solutions that our future generation may need, I have many exciting plans for WEdyalaya platform. But you have to be connected with us to know about them in detail, please keep on showering your love and support on us and help us spread the positivity of pure knowledge to everyone.

Let’s go back to her childhood!

Smita:  My Childhood was a series of hard life lessons as I lost my mother at a very tender age of 13 years. She was struggling with serious health conditions for a very long time and that time taught me to be the supportive eldest daughter and caring elder sister of two. This period brought the caring motherly side of me for my two younger sisters and inspired me to be a learner for life.

The most exciting young phase

Smita:  My childhood has been a complete roller coaster ride for me. The vision of financial independence for women, comes from the life lessons which my mother gave me. At very early age I learned to be responsible for my actions and take care of home, family and studies. Learned multi-tasking too with experience.

Career and initial struggles-

Smita:  I started my Career as a ‘Contract Employee’ in Kanbay (Cabgemini now) during the great recession of 2010 after graduating from Symbiosis Institute of Computer Sciences and Research, Pune. It was the beginning of a 14 years long and successful IT career. During this

period, I always felt a void for creating something of my own to create a positive impact in the society. This dream was fulfilled when I started my entrepreneurship journey with AstitWa and now ExtraordiNAARI WEdyalaya .


Milestone phase of career :

Smita:  I have enjoyed every aspect of my career till date, whether it was in IT or during Entrepreneurship. Here are few memorable achievements of my career till now are:-

1. Always have been the star performer for the team in IT, have been awarded with best performer and best team Member during my tenure in IT.

2. Trained more than 2000+ IT Professional as a Subject Matter Expert in IT

3. I am a registered mentor on various governmental platforms like MSME, NSDC and AIC Pinnacle.

4. I have achieved the recognition as the Shining light for creating a positive impact for Women Entrepreneurs on grass-root level.

5. Mentored 15 Women owned home-based businesses to a registered company with an evolving vision.

6. With the collaboration of AIC Pinnacle and MSME trained 500+ women from the rural and suburban areas of Maharashtra

7. Trained 5000+ Women under ExtraordiNAARI WEdyalaya

Major contributors in life :

Smita:  I always seek positivity and inspiration around me in my daily routine and always open to learn irrespective of the source from where the knowledge is coming. Sharing a few names who have inspired me in life here

My Parents - Whatever I am today is due to the teaching of my Parents, they are my first teacher in life and I owe all my achievements to them. Their selfless love and discipline shaped my personality for what I have today

My Husband - My Husband is the perfect reflection of the saying ‘We need a strong man to support a strong woman’. His undying support in my every decision brought this saying to our lives. Not only he supports me but also his belief in me and my vision gives me more strength and confidence to work for it

My Daughter - My Daughter is my biggest supporter and best critic. She inspires me to be an evolved version of myself to set a positive example for her

My Team - As Jim Rohn said ‘You’re the Average of The Five People You Spend the most time with’. Following the same ideology my team is a crucial part of my life. They add value not only to my professional but also to my personal life.

My Critics - The remarks of my critics help me to improve myself and strengthen my vision for a better tomorrow


 Daily routine and lifestyle :

Smita:  As an entrepreneur I jumble between many hats to keep all roles and responsibilities organised, I try to follow the footsteps of every successful entrepreneur. I start my day at 05:30AM with physical exercise and progress my day in a planned way to balance my work and personal life both. Me and my family enjoy a healthy active lifestyle, with a planned timetable to balance my personal and professional life.

 Life’s ideology which I follow in my life with everyone :-

Smita:  Mindset – I feel that the Mindset plays a crucial role in a person’s growth both in his/her personal as well as professional life. We can progress only if we have the right mindset to learn new skills, accept and apply them in action to achieve the desired love.

Consistency – Even if we have the progressive mindset performing your tasks consistently with full dedication towards your goals. Consistency is the key element to achieve the one’s targeted goals in a determined period of time.

Hard Work – When we have the combination of Mindset, Consistency and Hard work it gives a winning formula for sure success to achieve the decided goals. Doing consistent hard work with progressive mindset makes all the difference between ordinary people and extraordinary leader.

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