Fashion Pageant - GRAND FINALE - MR./Miss/Mrs. Eminence Maharashtra 2021 is happening in Pune city

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Fashion Pageant - GRAND FINALE - MR./Miss/Mrs. Eminence Maharashtra 2021 is happening in Pune city organized by Mr. Sachin Ghanwat. This event is going to create platform for all the aspiring male and female model who are seeking for the stage to showcase their talent.

Registration are open.


Popular Queen of Maharashtra Entrepreneur Business Women, Beauty & Grace are the two things which she wears well.


They are accepting the wild card entries, so all who wants take crown and value, hurry up and register now to change the game.

 Set the stage on fire, event seats are limited...but industry seats are not.

For wild card entry – Please connect with – organizer Mr. Sachin Ghanwat -  7058582270

Register Yourself with Wild Card Entry!  

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