LUXMODA Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine started its journey - Uncovering Ceremony of Volume I

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LUXMODA Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine started its journey - Uncovering Ceremony of Volume I on 13 February 2021.

Hello All,

Greetings from LuxModa & BeeBliss Network

We are glad to announce Uncovering Ceremony of LUXMODA MAGAZINE Volume – I. We are thankful to every participant of the magazine for the overwhelming response. We are happy to provide you with the best platform to showcase your talent and show it to the world in a unique way.

Venue : True Tramm Trunk, Rooftop Lounge, Aundh

Date : 13th Feb 2022

Time : 06:00 pm

Special Attraction From T3 :  Pre-Valentine Day Celebration

Thanks and have a good time ahead.


WhatsApp / Call:  +917058817663

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