BeeBliss Network has launched its Fashion Vertical LUXMODA Magazine Volume I

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BeeBliss Network has launched its Fashion Vertical – LUXMODA Magazine Volume I successfully. It was an overwhelming response to the magazine and its launch as well.

BeeBliss Network has launched its Fashion Vertical – LUXMODA Magazine Volume I successfully. It was an overwhelming response to the magazine and its launch as well.

The uncovering of the magazine was done by Mr. Shivkumar Bhalla (Vice-Chairman – BAI), Ms. Ketaki Jani (Social Activities), Mr. Chandrakant Sonar (Founder and Director), Ms. Ranjana Pawashe (Founder and Director), and participants of the Magazine. The event was gracefully hosted by Ms. Swati Saraf (Associate Partner – Luxmoda).

The uncovering ceremony was done in True Tramm Trunk (T3) rooftop lounge Aundh.  The owner of the T3 Mr. Aditya Bajaj and Mr.Rakesh Bajaj, Ms.Mugdha Deshpande, Dr. Sangita were present there for the ceremony. Photography was done by Mr.Rahul Kasar.



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